DB2 doesn't provide direct equivalents to these operations, but the most common uses of FORALL and BULK COLLECT can be efficiently mapped to statements involving UNNEST and ARRAY_AGG, respectively. DB2不提供这些操作的直接等效操作,但是FORALL和BULKCOLLECT的最常见使用可有效地分别映射到涉及UNNEST和ARRAYAGG的语句。
Notice the values of the type attribute in this definition file: The element is mapped to an array, while the nested s are mapped to simple string values. 注意定义文件中type属性的值:元素映射到一个数组,嵌套的映射为简单字符串值。
Let's now see how Oracle's BULK COLLECT can be mapped to ARRAY_AGG. 现在让我们看看如何将Oracle的BULKCOLLECT映射到ARRAYAGG。
A new square-root formation of linear quadratic optimal control algorithm is proposed, and the algorithm is mapped to parallel architecture-systolic array. 文中提出了一种平方根线性二次型最优控制算法,并将其映射到并行专用结构&脉动阵列(systolicarray)上。